‘When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.’
At Contribute we consider that communication skills are essential to our performance and success. Communication is central to all our interpersonal interactions. It is so ubiquitous that it is often overlooked in the learning and development planning in organisations. The development of communication skills is the simplest way to affect the connection with all stakeholders. Our training helps with communicating clearly, directly and with attention to yourself and others.
The cornerstone of our communication work is the Nonviolent Communication programme of the clinical psychologist Marshall Rosenberg.
Often we find that internal communication, the “critical inner voice”, can be the biggest determinant of our performance and at Contribute we can show you how to silence the inner critic through our Trigger Resolution Program.
Collaborative and Effective Communication
Collaboration is a key feature of successful organisations. In today’s dynamic marketplace innovation is not only a requirement for specific sectors of the economy but for all sectors of the economy. At Contribute, we believe that communication is the factor that drives to the heart of collaboration. We offer tailored communication programmes for key individuals and teams that will allow organisations to fully harness the benefits of collaboration within and among teams.
Our training will help you and your team to:
- Consciously create an atmosphere where dialogue is more open and effective
- Give direct and honest feedback without causing insult
- Become more resilient around your triggers
- Manage and recognise the true sources of stress
- Transform blame and criticism
- Give authentic praise that truly encourages and motivates
- Create a communication environment that heals rifts
- Reflect on communication difficulties
- Develop empathy skills
- Increase emotional intelligence